


India Free Trade Agreement with Thailand


India Free Trade Agreement with Thailand: An Overview

India has recently signed a free trade agreement (FTA) with Thailand, which is expected to boost trade and investment ties between the two countries. The FTA is expected to provide a platform for Indian businesses to enter the Thai market, and vice versa. Let us examine the salient features of this agreement.

Objectives of the India-Thailand FTA

The main objectives of the FTA are to:

1. Increase trade flows between India and Thailand.

2. Promote investment and technology transfer between the two countries.

3. Enhance economic cooperation and integration in the ASEAN region.

4. Facilitate the movement of goods and services, and reduce trade barriers.

5. Promote sustainable economic development in both countries.

Salient Features of the India-Thailand FTA

The key features of the FTA are as follows:

1. Tariff Elimination: The FTA aims to eliminate or reduce tariffs on a wide range of goods traded between India and Thailand, including agricultural products, chemicals, machinery, and textiles.

2. Rules of Origin: To ensure that only products originating in India and Thailand benefit from the reduced tariffs, the FTA includes provisions on rules of origin.

3. Trade in Services: The FTA also covers trade in services, including professional services, telecommunications, and financial services.

4. Investment: The FTA provides for the promotion and protection of investment between India and Thailand, through measures such as national treatment, most-favored-nation treatment, and investor-state dispute settlement.

5. Technical Barriers to Trade: The FTA aims to reduce technical barriers to trade, including standards and regulations, to facilitate trade in goods between India and Thailand.

Benefits of the India-Thailand FTA

The FTA is expected to provide the following benefits to both India and Thailand:

1. Increased Trade: The elimination or reduction of tariffs on a wide range of goods is expected to increase trade flows between India and Thailand, and promote bilateral trade.

2. Investment: The FTA is expected to promote investment and technology transfer between India and Thailand, and encourage investment in both countries.

3. Access to Markets: The FTA is expected to provide Indian businesses with access to the Thai market, and vice versa, thereby increasing market penetration.

4. Economic Integration: The FTA is expected to enhance economic cooperation and integration in the ASEAN region, and provide a platform for India to engage with other countries in the region.


The India-Thailand FTA is expected to provide a boost to trade and investment ties between the two countries, and enhance economic cooperation and integration in the ASEAN region. The FTA is expected to benefit both India and Thailand, by increasing trade, promoting investment, and providing access to markets. The FTA is a step towards furthering India`s economic relations with other countries in the region, and promoting sustainable economic development in the long run.