


Coffee Supply Agreement


If you’re in the coffee business, it’s essential to have a coffee supply agreement in place with your supplier. This agreement will help ensure that you have a consistent and reliable supply of high-quality coffee beans. It will also outline the terms of your relationship with your supplier, including pricing, delivery schedules, and quality standards.

Here are some tips on what to include in your coffee supply agreement:

1. Quality standards: Specify the quality grade or type of coffee beans that you require. This could include origin, roast level, and aroma. Also, include the minimum acceptable quality level for each shipment.

2. Quantity commitments: Your agreement should specify the quantity of coffee beans that your supplier is committed to providing at any given time. You may want to consider having a minimum order quantity in place to ensure that your supplier can meet your demands.

3. Pricing: Discuss the pricing structure with your supplier, including the cost per pound, delivery fees, and any other fees associated with the order. You may also want to include pricing for any special requests, such as custom roasts or blends.

4. Delivery schedule: Establish a clear delivery schedule with your supplier, including the dates and times that you expect to receive your coffee beans. You may also want to include a penalty clause for late deliveries.

5. Payment terms: Specify the payment terms for your orders, including when payment is due, and any late payment penalties. Also, discuss any discounts that may apply for bulk purchases or early payment.

6. Termination: Include a termination clause in your agreement – this will help protect you if your supplier is unable to meet your quality or quantity standards. You may also want to include a clause allowing you to terminate the agreement if the supplier is unable to meet specific delivery schedules.

In summary, a coffee supply agreement is an important document to have in place if you’re in the coffee business. It can help ensure that you have a consistent supply of high-quality coffee beans, and it can protect you from any issues that may arise with your supplier. Be sure to include quality standards, quantity commitments, pricing, delivery schedules, payment terms, and termination clauses in your agreement.