


The Agreement Which Is Void


When it comes to legal agreements, it`s important to understand which contracts are valid and which are not. One type of agreement that is considered void is an agreement that is illegal or contrary to public policy.

An illegal agreement is one that involves an illegal act, such as selling drugs or participating in fraud. These types of agreements are not enforceable in court because they violate the law.

Another type of void agreement is one that is contrary to public policy. This can include agreements that are harmful to society, such as agreements that encourage discrimination or agreements that prohibit someone from reporting a crime.

For example, an employment agreement that requires an employee to sign a nondisclosure agreement that prevents them from reporting sexual harassment would be considered void because it goes against public policy.

It`s important to note that even if an agreement is initially valid, it can become void if it is changed or modified in a way that violates the law or public policy.

In summary, it`s essential to understand which agreements are void to protect yourself from legal consequences. If you are ever unsure about the validity of an agreement, it`s always best to consult with a legal professional.